5 essential tools for front-end web development:


If you just decided to continue reading what’s under this headline, then you must be having basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. If you don’t, though, don’t fret too much. Keep this tab open, and read our article on building your first HTML page. You’ll be good to go.

However, the world of front-end web development is extremely wide and goes beyond just notepad or a simple text editor. Let’s look at five essential tools that must be in your toolkit to help you better:

Sublime Text:

Sublime is a sophisticated, cross-platform text editor, found invaluable to its users. It provides quick navigation to files, instant jumps to symbols and allows moving around lines of text very quickly with only a few keystrokes. It eases writing the code by allowing multiple selections for manipulating the lines of text. Its ‘Split Editing’ feature edits multiple files side by side, saving time to its best. This editor offers power tools for code indentation and everything in Sublime Text is customizable with the help of simple JSON files. It is a project-specific editor which allows you to switch between projects instantly. With its numerous useful features and unmatched responsiveness, Sublime Text sets the bar for performance.


Bootstrap is a flexible, open source, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for faster and easier web development. It offers ready-made blocks of code that are free to use and save a lot of time as there is no need of writing code from scratch. It follows Mobile First Approach and is used for creating responsive web design where the layout of the page is dynamically adjustable according to the specifications of the devices it is viewed on. It is highly customizable and provides cross-browser compatibility.


Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a preprocessor scripting language used to write code which is compiled into Cascading Style Sheets, CSS. One should think of Sass as “CSS with superpowers” because of its various added advantages, one of them being the high degree of code reusability that it offers. Code reusability is performed via ‘sass variables’ and ‘mixins’. Mixins are used to group CSS descriptions and reuse them wherever required throughout the file. Sass breaks down the complex code into small code snippets, making the CSS even more modular and less complicated. It allows nesting in coding, making development a more pleasant experience.


React is the JavaScript library which is used in the development of the single-page applications. This toolkit follows the component-centric approach, i.e., it breaks apart the large complex user interface into small components which can be used for every web developer. We use React to describe the Web User Interfaces. We tell it what do we need in our User Interface, and it translates our declarative description into actual user interfaces in the browser. React uses Virtual Document Object Model (Virtual DOM). It gives a virtual representation of the updates if the entire page is rendered on each change, while changes are only rendered in the subcomponents that change. The motive of the React library is to provide speed, scalability, and simplicity to the web developers for better designing at the front-end.


Git is a version control system, or you can think of it as the software used by the web developers to keep track of all the activities involved in their project. As Git maintains a complete history of all the changes made in all the web files, you can go back and restore all the details of any version. If you’re continually making changes in your HTML, CSS or any other data, and you want to back up every version of every changed file in your project, Git is strongly recommended for you.  
Our specialized course on web-development takes you through the world of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and a lot more. Get yourself enrolled ASAP and build an awesome web-app for yourself!