Tips to beat procrastination woes

You have an assignment deadline right on top your head, you should complete it ASAP. But still, what do you prefer to do? You switch to Facebook, surfing the web, videos on YouTube and then are caught in the spiral of Youtube videos and end up watching a video where a python swallows a goat, say whaaaaat? Procrastination is something which affects us all somewhere in our lives.

I think somewhere all of us are at a crossroad where we can either complete the task or say, “Chhodo, kal karengey”(Leave it, we’ll look at it tomorrow). Especially in college, I realized that if I could complete an assignment in two hours, I would rather complete it at night, which got postponed to the morning and in the end I completed it in the class itself.

Does that make you any efficient? A BIG NO. It doesn’t. Last minute panic might lead you to a state of nervous breakdown and you just might ruin your assignment/projects, etc. You never achieve your full potential and end up regretting and self loathing.Also, the procrastination playground is a place where leisure activities happen at times when leisure activities are not supposed to be happening so it basically makes you a potato.

Here are some tips which might help you deal with procrastination so you don’t have to face the panic monster again:-

1. Planning:

Procrastinators love planning because it provides them with a feeling that they’re doing something, when they’re actually not. So I would suggest effective planning. Jot down a list of easy tasks which are easy to complete before jotting down more. A big list of daunting tasks would rather encourage you to not to start at all. Check each task once you’ve completed it. Remind yourself with the help of reminders, post its and To-do lists.For example, if you need to complete various assignments, jot down a particular number of questions to be completed in one day and work upon that.

2. Actually Doing

Well, this is the hard part. Take a deep breath and start with your job. If you think rewarding helps then reward yourself once you’ve completed certain tasks. Treat yourself to an ice cream or an episode(ONE EPISODE) of your favourite TV show after completing a couple of questions of your assignment. You try doing the entire assignment in one go and you get stuck at one test case which just doesn’t seem to budge? A wiser thing would be NOT completing the entire job in one go, and that too at the last moment. Take short breaks between tasks, this will not only refresh your mind but also give a newer perspective at tackling the problem.

3. Break down your tasks

So you think that programming is the skill of the century and teaching yourself to code is the ultimate priority, right? You have “Learn how to code” as your top priority, but every time you look at it, you coincidentally decide to clean your cupboard or your email.It’ll never end up this way. Go for slow steady progress. Novels are written one page at a time.

Break down this big daunting task into simple tasks: Research on how to work upon it:

Daunting task
Easy steps to success

4. Turn off those notifications

Every time you sit down to write codes for your assignments and those sneaky little Facebook Notifications pop up ?Someone sent you a candy crush request and you think the world would collapse if you don’t check your FB page to check it? Anything which distracts you when you’re working is like opening a door to procrastination. To stay focused on your tasks, block anything which even mildly divides your attention. Meanwhile to block notifications on chrome, follow this link –> Block notifications.

I hope these tips help you beat your procrastination woes. To be honest, this post took me more than a while because I was caught in a spiral of Tastemade videos when the truth is I don’t even live in the vicinity of a kitchen. Teehee.